Mood: cool
Now Playing: Listen by Beyonce
The song I posted as the song I'm now listening to is pretty much how I feel. :( I'm not at home in my own home and I've tried and tried to say what's on my mind. It feels like it's no doesn't make a difference what I say; you only hear what you want to hear. I'm talking about my mom. I feel like no matter what I say she doesn't understand. It seems like she's always judging me. I feel like I can never meet her standards, that I can never make her happy. I try and try, but all she sees is what I don't do or what I don't say. :( I hate being in this kind of place. I hate going home and having to ralk to her. It's always the same...she upset because I'm not spending enough time with my little sister, or I forgot to do something or she says that I don't appreciate her. Maybe, if she knew how I felt then she wouldn't keep treating me like some second trash she can just throw outside. Maybe, she would think twice about how she treats me. I'm tired of always trying to please her. I'm tired of always not measuring up.