February 16, 2010
Ugh, I hate when you find out that there's truth in a rumor or that the rumor was the whole truth. :( And that what you found out was not just a rumor. Why do people have to have such low standards? Where did all the people with morals go? Often it feels like I am the only one left. ;/ I have been told that if the you don't really like/care for the guy you like friends' or your friends don't like him....there's probably a very good reason. And the person probably isn't worthy of liking. That's the deal with the guy I like...not just I don't really care for his friends, but my friends don't like him. They told me I deserve better (even my teacher told me this) and one of my same friends thinks he's not "boyfriend" material. I agree. There's also a saying that goes like this, "You can tell a lot from a person from who their friends are.